September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all, a quick thank you for all your support on [my last post here]( I was really humbled to have contributed even a bit to anyone’s reading interest that year, so thank you.

    But now I’m making the next, and likely final list. And I really do need your help. /Lit’s 10th list came out earlier this month, and it’s been 3 years since my last post, so it feels like a good time for one final redux with updated numbers, but first I need advice from the community…

    Here are my problems/questions:
    **1. Ranking metrics:** The last chart pooled 7 lists, and ranked all books with 5-7 appearances against each other, then sorted later books by appearance frequency before averages. With 10 lists to cover, how would you like to see books with different frequencies of appearance ranked? All books first grouped by appearance number (so all 10’s over 9’s over all 8’s, etc.)? Appearance pools/tiers like 8-10 together, then 5-7, and 3-4? Other ideas?
    **2. Ties:** Unlike the first chart, this one has ties. How would you like these to be treated? Placing both books at the same rank and then skipping a number? Highest appearance ever wins?
    **3. Books that miss the list:** The data compiled for this chart includes hundreds of books, many of which won’t make top 100. Would you care to know the books left off? If so, would you prefer a larger list to begin with, like top 150? A second chart, ranking 101-200? An honorable mentions smush of books at the bottom of the top 100?
    **4. Organizational considerations:** The last chart listed, below each book cover, the book’s title and author, it’s average ranking # and it’s instances of appearance across the 7 lists. Would you like to see anything else (year, page count), or would that be too busy? Would you like anything removed, or any information delivered differently?
    **5. Other suggestions:** If you have any other ideas about the chart, I’d be super happy and appreciative to hear them. Problems or criticisms with the last chart would be excellent, too. Open to anything, from design suggestions (color palette, shape proportions, book cover preferences) to actual technological specificities (file size, host website). I’m really open to anything you got.
    Thank you all again, and a special thank you to anyone who has a thought or two about the future chart. I really appreciate the help and support, and wish you all the best.

    by SharedHoney

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