July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It is almost 2, past midnight while I am writing this, and even though this is not the first time I have stayed up late to finish a book, I felt it so extremely necessary to actually pen down, how absolutely devastatingly beautiful this book was. It usually takes me a while, to escape into a world of fiction, when I pick up a book, a chapter maybe two, but, this particular book had me on ropes from the first paragraph probably. I completely disassociated myself from my present, and legit lived alongside the main protagonist, as if I was watching him live the story through out. It takes a lot to tear me up, but there were several times, i caught myself with tears streaming down my face, without me even realising it. This easily makes the BEST book I have read so far, and will probably have a huge chunk of my heart, no matter how many books I pick up, from now. This is probably my fourth time, attempting to convey through words, how much this book has moved me, but I am still finding it extremely difficult to form complete sentences to describe how I am feeling right now.

    I am pretty sure, a lot of people would have read this book, way way way before, and I am reallyy late to post about it. Trust me, I genuinely regret not reading this book before, but I am so glad I did atleast now.

    by itachiuchiha-07


    1. I read this last year as part of a 52 book challenge, and of all those books this one was my favourite.

      I got recommended it from a guy at work and had it on my shelf long enough to be totally blindsided by how genuinely fantastic it is. Truly haunting.

    2. DreamOfEternity999 on

      It is a beautiful though heartbreaking story.

      In case you haven’t already read it, you might want to try A Canticle for Leibowitz.

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