September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anyone else have ever got that feeling after finishing a series that you just want to go back to the first book and read it all over again?

    Well, the day after I finished Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, I decided to go back to the first book and re-read it. I’m literally OBSESSED. This is literally the first time I had ever decided to re-read a series/book right after I finished it.

    I owned 311 books throughout the years. I get into reading slumps often and do other stuff than I always come back. But the thing is, I only had finish roughly 139 (Not including ones that I don’t own) of those books. Some of the books I have finished are part of a series that I haven’t yet got the chance of finishing, either because it wasn’t released yet or I got into another reading slump. So, I prob will have to restart the series, knowing how badly my memory is.

    I got a total of 172 books that I need to finish…yet here I am re-reading Fourth Wing.

    I’m just curious if anyone else has ever done this themselves or am I just simply crazy?

    by Wolfie_Heart1232


    1. I spent the better part of a year reading the massive ten book, approximately 3M 325k word series. *The Malazan Book of the Fallen*. I read each book twice before moving to the next. Then I read the entire series again. Then I listened to the entire series of audiobooks. Now I go to sleep to it at night.

      So… yeah, you aren’t alone.

    2. unlovelyladybartleby on

      I prefer re-reading books. It’s rare for me to read a book less than three times and I’ve got a ton I’ve read more than 20. Old habits from when I was a poor kid an hour from the nearest bookstore, but I still find new things in books on the 20+ list when I revisit them.

      Seriously, stop counting and just keep reading. Save the math for math time, books are about how they make you feel.

    3. Maybe it’s a comfort thing? I have so so many books scattered about that need to be read, but I come back to the same ones over and over again. Fear of the unknown? I know I get attached to characters, and their situations. It’s like watching the same movie over again. You know the ending so the fear of the unknown is gone. IDK. Just a thought.

    4. ThanksILoveItHere on

      Every now and then I reread the Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. They’ve got like 20 something out by now so it’s a commitment lol but I don’t care, I love those books. They’re like calling up an old friend 🥰

    5. Like a week ago I thought about rereading the Hunger Games trilogy…. I recently put like 5 new books on my TBR list as well… why are we like this??

    6. Ransom_Doniphan on

      All the time. Life is short. Nobody can read everything. Read what makes you happy, free of guilt.

      Recently a friend of mine was surprised when I told him I didn’t keep a list that I worked on whittling down. I replied that instead of a list I have more of a water tank where the books I want to read float around and I pick them according to whim.

      Nothing wrong with keeping a list, but you as the author of that list can revise, edit, or totally disregard at your leisure.

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