October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m always looking for new books to get my hands on and I’m fortunate enough that I can listen to then on audible at work. Unfortunately that also means I go through them quickly.

    I love long, slow building books with lots of worldbuilding. Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings are two of my personal favorites. If you’ve ever read a book and thought the pacing was too slow, odds are its something I would enjoy. Any suggestions?

    by ConfidenceFar2751


    1. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      *The Stormlight Archives* by Brandon Sanderson seems like a perfect fit for you. Four books currently, with a fifth released later this year which will complete the current Arc, and given her finished off the *Wheel of Time* series you’ll already be familiar with his writing. The first book, *The Way of Kings* , is considered the slowest burning of the series as it is a huge world-building endeavour and at just over 45 hours it definitely has the ‘long’ criteria met.

    2. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      I read fast.   normally I get through four or five books in a week.    

      discovery of witches took me more than a month.   it’s full of detail and atmosphere, but good lord it crawled.

    3. Smooth-Review-2614 on

      Try Guy Gravial Kay. A lot of his stuff is currently free on Audible and it’s amazing.

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