November 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I really want to read this book, but the problem is that I can’t seem to find it anywhere in my own language.

    So I’m wondering if the language in the book is super tricky for a non native speaker? I believe that my level of english is pretty decent, but of course it’s hard to really evaluate since I don’t know any native speakers myself.

    I know the book contains at least a bit of science fiction, but is the vocabulary in the book challenging?

    Thanks in advance

    by Socket_forker


    1. DreamOfEternity999 on

      You shouldn’t have any issues except that early parts of the book are written in a language of a sub-normal intelligence person. You might not want to pick up bad habits if you are still learning English.

    2. Sauerlaender87 on

      I just read it as a non native speaker and found it not so hard. The book is good but a little bit sad…

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