September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book where the main character is already the pope, or one where he’s chosen to become the pope halfway through the book at the latest. (So not a book like Conclave where the pope isn’t chosen until the end.)


    * Fiction

    * Not fantasy

    * Taking place in modern times

    Though these are all optional if the book is really good.

    by kroen


    1. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      not exactly, exactly. but earthly powers by Anthony Burgess is pretty close. the narrator is not the Mc, imo. that’s his brother-inlaw-once-removed, who does iirc rise eventually to be pope.

      eta: idk what you consider modern. but it’s at least 20th century.

    2. ReddisaurusRex on

      Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross (historical fiction based on legend)

      The Confessor by Daniel Silva – some of the other books in this series have this too, but not to the same degree. (Modern, part of a mystery series)

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