September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! Recently I finished a book with essentially my dream magic system (Hills of Heather and Bone by K. E. Andrews). Essentially, there was elemental magic much like your typical fire, water, air, etc. However there was also healing magic, light magic, shadow magic, and by far the most important to the story, elemental magic in the form of necromancy. The protagonist was able to raise the dead, manipulate bones, and get visions/memories from a deceased person’s spirit via their bones. I ended up loving the book, and am now trying to find books with similar magics, both elemental and/or “darker” magics like necromancy or blood magics. This is all just a long-winded way of me saying that I’d love recommendations of books with similar magic systems (elemental with some “dark” magic). I’d also prefer for the protagonist or another significant character to be able to wield said dark magic. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and any other help would be appreciated 🙂

    by hakunamysarah

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