September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all –

    Google led me to a post from about ten years ago, so I thought I’d try to get a new perspective on this question.

    My wife is an avid reader. A lot of what she reads is cozy romance which is not my jam. I tend to read non-fiction (and I usually prefer audiobooks), so novels are out of my comfort zone.

    However, my wife has been hospitalized since December 8th after suffering a stroke while undergoing open heart surgery. She has been unconscious for most of the last month. She came around this week and I’m trying to find ways to engage her again, while she begins rehabbing and rebuilding her strength. She seems keen on the idea of me reading to her, so I thought I’d ask here:

    What books do you think are good to be read aloud?

    I’m going to start with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe tomorrow.

    I would greatly appreciate your perspective. What would you want to have read to you or to read aloud? I may also use audiobooks, but I plan to do most of the reading myself, as a means of having quality time with her.

    Thank you!

    by iamthawlrs

    1 Comment

    1. OpeningSort4826 on

      First of all, I am so sorry you’ve been going through this and it is incredibly touching to read your idea as an outsider. I would recommend the Anne of Green Gables series (or at least the first book). I know you said cozy romance isn’t your jam, and I would be surprised if you wife hasn’t already read them, but they seem like a very safe and beautiful series to follow up after The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. 

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