September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      – Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend— I’ve read it several times, listened to the audiobook, and bought copies for several friends!
      – Sal and Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Hernandez— such a heartwarming book!
      – The Hands of the Emperor— a *very* long book that I first read as an ebook from the library, but then bought a physical copy of my own because I know I’ll be reading it over and over

    2. I’ve read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card probably 6 times over the last 20 years since I first read it for school. It never gets less interesting to me on rereads. That’s not a ton of times, but usually there’s enough time in between reads to forget some of the little moments that make it such a fun one.
      Also, every October I read The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson and every December I read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. They’re both short reads that make me feel immersed in the respective spirits of the seasons and I enjoy the tradition of it!

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