September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I couldn’t come up with a proper title for this request because I admit it’s a little abstract and I’m not even sure I know what I want.

    Are there any philosophical works that explore the idea of free will and agency? Specifically if it’s in the context of like a hivemind intelligence. It doesn’t matter how dense the prose is or how much context I would need to have read it in terms of other seminal works.

    I’m currently working on a writing project and I wanted to kind of do some research on this topic before I got started.

    by EnricoZenitani


    1. singfrabsolution on

      Determined by Robert Sapolsky. Don’t be deterred by the description of the book, it’s thorough, insightful and funny at times. One of the most impactful books I’ve ever read

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