September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I would like to read realistic portrayals of autism in fiction. Preferably from the autistic character’s POV.

    I read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon several years ago. I enjoyed the book and the way the protagonist was written. I‘ve seen criticism that Haddon’s portrayal is wildly inaccurate and not representative of what autistic people experience. Haddon’s response was that it’s “…not a book about Asperger’s. It’s a novel whose central character describes himself as ‘a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties’. Indeed he never uses the words ‘asperger’s’ or ‘autism.’” Haddon admits he has no experience with autism and did no research for his novel.

    I would like to read authors who *are* actually autistic or at least experienced with those who are. Any recommendations for such authors/books?

    by PossibleSquare


    1. CrunchyBlowgun on

      The Mr Mercedes trilogy by Stephen King has one of the better autistic characters I’ve come across.

    2. itsshakespeare on

      Born on a blue day – Daniel Tammet. It’s an autobiography and you asked for fiction, but it’s really interesting

    3. HowlandSRoward on

      It’s the most hateful, turgid, annoying book I have ever read but Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer has an autistic main character. Surely representation counts for something, right?

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