July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for more books like those of Franzen, or Middlesex by Eugenedes or 4 3 2 1 by Auster. Something realist that goes deep across different family members and potentially spans generations. It doesn’t have to be American. Waterland by Graham Swift is kind of similar to what I’m after too. Thanks in advance!

    by PaleFire31


    1. imabaaaaaadguy on

      Homegoing by Yaa Giyasi follows two family lines through hundreds of years. Each descendant gets one chapter, but the chapters are extremely vivid.

      The God of Small Things is a shorter family line, I think 3 or 4 generations, and spends more time on each character.

    2. One Hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. It follows the beginning of family and the city they built throughout 3 generations (I think it was 3)

    3. The night travellers, just started reading it and it looks very promising. It starts with a half black little girl in Nazi Germany that is forced to flee the country. Won’t say more because of spoilers but it apparently goes through 3 generations of women. So it seems very promising and the writing is also very good.

    4. kodyonthekeys on

      Clade by James Bradley. The title is literal, beautiful generational story of resilience. The book doesn’t seem to get a lot of love on this sub, but my god did I love it.

    5. Fit-Assist-9567 on

      One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

      Memphis by Tara Stringfellow

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