September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My son is 11 years old. But his reading is advanced for his age. Here are some book series he completed –

    1. Harry Potter
    2. Mysterious Benedict Society
    3. Lemony Snicket
    4. Wings of Fire
    5. Keeper of lost cities
    6. Percy Jackson
    7. Artemis Fowl
    8. Hitchhikers guide to galaxy

    Probably many more. I cant keep track. Based on these, can you suggest some exciting book series in similar vein? Thanks!

    by lawaythrow


    1. Remarkable_Inchworm on

      There’s always Tolkien and CS Lewis, though they might be a bit old-fashioned for a lot of kids.

      There are an absolute ton of Dungeons & Dragons-branded novels… the Dragonlance series by Weis and Hickman is pretty great.

    2. The Chronicles of Prydain – Lloyd Alexander (a classic that isn’t too stuffy)

      His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman (I would recommend this series to anyone)

      The Redwall series – Brian Jacques (I started reading these when I was 8-9 but I enjoyed them up through my early teens so they should hold up for an eleven year old, plus there are a lot of them)

      The Enchanted Forest Chronicles – Patricia Wrede

      Any Terry Pratchett, particularly the Discworld stuff. There are ton of books and a few different ways to start reading them (I’m pretty sure there’s a chart somewhere online). If he liked Hitchhiker’s he’d probably like Pratchett.

    3. For those who love fairy tales reimagined, ‘Uprooted’ by Naomi Novik is a novel I often recommend. It’s a captivating story inspired by Eastern European folklore, with a strong and relatable heroine who discovers her own power in a world filled with magic and danger.

    4. The Young Wizards series by Diane Duane, starting with So You Want to Be A Wizard. Absolutely life changing.

    5. CitizenSquidbot on

      The keys to the kingdom series by Garth Nix. First book is called Mister Monday.

      Plot starts off with a boy about to die. He is mysteriously saved and shortly after weird things start to occur around him. I’m really not doing it justice. It’s a wild ride and there are seven books for him to read through. The series is also completed I believe so no waiting for any installments.

    6. JustSomeGuy_You_Know on

      As someone who read and enjoyed some of those series when I was around your son’s age, I also really loved the Skulduggery Pleasant series. If I could go back and read a single series again as my 11-year-old self then it would either be that or His Dark Materials

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