September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    By this I basically mean, a book that was marketed as one thing and either didn’t live up to what was promised or was something else entirely. I feel this is very common practise especially nowadays due to the rise of TikTok leading a lot of books to be simplified down to their tropes. A book I feel was marketed incorrectly is probably Song Of Achillies by Madeline Miller. I read the UK edition of this book, and on the cover the book is described as being ‘dark’ and ‘sexy’. After having read the book this is pretty disturbing given that the only sexual scenes take place when the characters are very young / underage (all others fade to black). Not to mention one of the scenes is purposefully very uncomfortable. Maybe that’s a separate discussion for the unnecessary hyper-sexualisation of queer relationships, it just especially disturbed me with TOSA. It’s a very beautiful book by all means, but why is it marketed as being ‘sexy’ when it really isn’t that at all, though maybe it’s just marketed that way in the UK. What books to you feel weren’t marketed correctly?

    by According_Bat_8150

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