September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. I remember a book set in perhaps the 90s.

      The main character lives in a society that stays out of sight but lives in a major city.

      I remember a scene where someone, perhaps even the main character has decided to go topside. They are dressed in many layers of coats for protection. (They believe that for some reason that the sunglight or something will kill them) They emerge from the sewers or subway and it turns out that is the day of the Boston? Marathon and then they return to their society and report about how all the people have gone crazy and are just running down the street for no reason.

      I wonder what the title was.

      I’m trying to find it. But I keep getting books set in an apocalyptic setting. And this book was not. The society was just closed off from the real world and the main character was born into it.

      I think there is also a scene where they steal power from an abounded subway line. They also live mostly in a subway station that for whatever reason was blocked off from everything else a very long time ago.

    2. scandalliances on

      The third book of Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series, Whispers Under Ground, includes this.

      Also, The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau.

    3. NoFluffyOnlyZuul on

      If you like sci-fi, Dark Orbit was quite interesting and involved the discovery of a civilization on another world that had adapted to living in caves and don’t like going into the light, so they lost their sight over generations but instead developed other ways of “seeing” with their senses.

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