September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My close friend is asking that people buy books for her baby’s first birthday. My friend has had a super difficult year, and I’m hoping to find a book that’s special and unique that she can read to her baby! She also has another son who’s 7.

    Would love to hear recommendations:)

    by stubbornteach


    1. You’re Here for a Reason by Nancy Tillman or a personalized book from Hello Heroes.
      A friend of my mom’s got us You’re Here for a Reason when my first son was born. He was diagnosed with cancer at 7 weeks old and that book was special to me. I still read it to him now that he’s 4 and healthy.

    2. Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave by Jessica Hische is one of my favorites with my kiddos.

      “Tomorrow I’ll be all the things I tried to be today:
      Adventurous, Strong, Smart, Curious, Creative, Confident, & Brave.
      And if I wasn’t one of them, I know that it’s OK.”

      The author is also an illustrator and the drawings are beautiful and colorful.

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