September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have tried to read on my phone the past three days and I keep getting distracted. I used to have a Kindle but I got rid of it and donated it to Goodwill. It was a 7th Gen and I hardly ever used it in the two years I had it. I guess I like the convenience and price of ebooks but not the experience, if that makes any sense. Anyone got any tips for me?

    by garlicman82


    1. bluesBeforeSunrise on

      Is it the hardware tech that ruins the experience? or the way ebook readers work? both?

    2. I tried REALLY hard to like ebooks because I travel a lot and they’re more convenient, but I just couldn’t. I too ended up gifting my kindle because I only ever read 1 book in it. The only thing I can read on my phone is fan fiction and very specific works that have not been printed/are too expensive to get my hands on and because I know that there’s no way to physically read them, but otherwise I end up not finishing anything (I got like 20 books on stuff your kindle day and read like…. 3 pages so far of one of them).

      Idk maybe start with very short works that you know aren’t on paper so you’re forced to read the digital version?

    3. Books are hard. They are less gratifying than watching fifteen seconds of dopamine spiking shorts. My suggestion is to not fight your natural inclination. For example. I personally love audio books so I listen while driving or working out. For ebooks, finding time where you have genuinely nothing better to do, eventually it translates into there being nothing better you could do…if that makes sense.

    4. If you tried, I’m not sure there is much else to do. Maybe be sure to read a book you’re quite certain you’ll like so that you’re wanting to use the device.

      A standard Kindle (or similar e-ink) device is about as good as you’ll get aside from a book.

      I can’t imagine making a phone work.

      I kind of like ereaders, but not more than books. I like them for big books that I’d find intimidating in book form (the 1000 pager for instance). On an eReader, I can hide the length factor a bit better and get through those books. Plus not having to actually carry it. I just don’t like reading on an LCD screen like a phone or tablet.

    5. It helps for me to make reading a more intentional experience. Sitting down with a snack or something to drink (or earplugs if there’s a lot of background noise) helps me. If the problem is that you keep getting distracted by other apps on your phone, play around with do not disturb and the focus mode settings and see if either of those help, but if the problem is that you just cant focus on it or dont enjoy it as much as physical books, you might need to just get a library card and stick to those. I’m the opposite and I can pretty much only get through ebooks, all my physical copies just collect dust because I have too many notes and comments and highlighting for physical books, so different stuff just works for different people

    6. You don’t give into it, the simplicity.

      You go home from work, and, if you can, after dinner and blowing kisses to doggie bcuz you don’t want to walk tonight, you go into that living space/room, and hoist that heavy fucking book/story until your arms ache from holding that book – they ache bcuz the story’s so good – you’ll adjust.

    7. When I read on my phone, I turn on do not disturb, put on some instrumental music that won’t distract me, and try to limit it to times I know I won’t crave social media like my commute home from work or on the train to/from a social interaction.

      I use my iPad for reading eBooks because I’m living abroad. I can’t really buy physical books because of a language barrier and the fact I won’t have room to transport them back home whenever I return to the States. I think the accessibility (love you Libby) and necessity make it worthwhile.

    8. I don’t really get what you problem is. What is there to get distracted on a kindle or what exactly don’t you like about it?

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