July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    ok. i’ve been rereading a series i read a few years ago and cannot fathom the amount of times the author brings in a new character with BLUE EYES. they’re piercing. they’re bright. they’re stunning. the main character has turquoise colored eyes, believe it or not. out of all 6-10 (estimate) characters that have been introduced…get this…they ALL have blue / green eyes.

    now tell me why you would feel the need to give EVERYONE and their mother blue eyes. granted, this is a fantasy series, but overall i’m simply tired of starting a book and every damn character has these stunning blue orbs. i’m sick of it honestly. maybe other genres don’t have this issue, idk. i’m a pretty avid fantasy reader so maybe this is just a genre issue.

    i honestly don’t know if i can say i’ve read a book with a main character who has brown eyes, and if i have, it’s only a few out of hundreds. it’s appalling. anyways, this is my rant.

    by tojiswifu


    1. Now that I think about it, I couldn’t tell you the eye color of anybody I know or have ever known.

    2. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      >maybe other genres don’t have this issue, idk

      not as much, I don’t think. it kind of goes with a patch of the turf that fantasy sits on. it tends to be allegorical and aspirational ime, and giving your character arresting eyes is one shortcut to some of the things that it wants to a achieve.

      romance tends be pretty full of eyeball talk too.

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