September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone!

    I’m about 1/4 of the way through 28 Summers by EH and I have some thoughts / questions. If you choose to respond, no spoilers please. I added the spoiler tag to be safe but nothing is going to say will give away much of the plot.

    So this is my 4th EH book and I love her style. I love all the twists and turns and drama. But this book in particular is rubbing me the wrong way. I’m enjoying it so far and it’s a fun read, but…

    The cheating! It seems like we’re supposed to be rooting for heartless, self-interested, cheaters. I love a good cheating scandal in a book, but it doesn’t feel like a scandal. It feels like something I’m supposed to be rooting for.

    I pretty much cannot stand Mallory. She is one of the most irritating female leads I’ve read in a while. Which is surprising to me considering EH is usually so good at crafting 3 dimensional characters.

    I don’t like how she interacts with her students, i hate how she seems to think she’s the cool girl. I hate that she doesn’t seem to care about Ursula’s feelings or see any red flags in Jake.

    Maybe my thoughts will change as the book goes on. It says in the blurb that Jake marries Ursula so clearly things are going to change. But will Mallory and Jake’s romance continue to be this secret, vile, selfish, awful affair? I’m finding it really hard to root for them given the circumstances. Does it get better?? Someone let me know😂

    by Select-Claim9748

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