November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello There!

    I will have some more allocated time to read in the upcoming months (bus ride to work and back), so I would welcome your suggestions for a book.

    Now what am I looking for? I am looking for something that has changed your way of thinking in a positive way in life. Now I know this sounds vague, and that’s on purpose, since I’m kinda open to things as long as there’s this “food for thought” component to it.

    I have read the following books lately and here are my thoughts on them, it might help you better suggest me things.

    \- “Factfulness” by the Rösling family. This book has a very generally positive tone, but not in a wishful thinking way, it actually shows you data to show you that things are better than you might think they are.

    \- “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker. This one is also scientifically leaning. It’s all about sleep and the good stuff it brings. There’s still much we don’t know about it, but the little we know, it seems like a very powerful healing tool. In our society’s fast paced world, it’s sadly one of the things that most people sacrifice, even though they arguably shouldn’t.

    \- “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport. There’s a lot of good ideas in this book, even ideas that have nothing to do with actual digital minimalism. For example, at various points in the book, the author speaks about “intent” – and how when you decide to do things, small or big, there will be a big difference whether you do it with clear intentions or “just because”. He explains it way better lol, but there are lots of little good stuff here and there other than just the general idea of digital minimalism, which in itself is also interesting.

    So there you have it, I hope I have somehow shed a bit of a light as to what kind of books I favor, and I look forward to your recommendations. Hoping to see a few!

    Have a great day!

    by Dabok

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