July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    lately i’ve been dealing with a lot of existential anxiety – struggling with the meaning of life, fear of the unknown and death and what comes after, etc. was wondering if anyone had any recommendations that touch on these topics, preferably works of fiction. and they don’t necessarily have to be books that help me gain some positive insight on the matter, it can be stuff that really gets you thinking and possibly self-reflecting afterwards.

    by itsfinesam

    1 Comment

    1. Shadowmereshooves on

      Dostoevsky’s three most famous novels deal with themes similar to those.. Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and Brothers Karamazov.

      Trial by Kafka might be something interesting..

      Wuthering Heights might not sound like it, but it deals with those topics too, in a way.. and is great book!

      Not sure if you are searching for horror, but Lovecraft’s short stories deal mostly with fear f the unknown, again might not be what you mean.

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