July 2024
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    When I was younger I LOVED fantasy books where they traveled to alternate fantasy worlds like “The Door Within” series or “The Curse of the Spider King”.

    But I feel like it’s hard to find ones like that but for adults/more mature and are not YA. Anyone found any good ones?

    by Desperate_Quest


    1. Komoreby. It’s an indie YA book with a parallel universe. Somewhat like a sci-fi Alice in Wonderland.

    2. opposingkings on

      ‘Mistborn: The Final Empire’ by Brandon Sanderson is a novel I recommend for its unique magic system and the revolution against a dark lord. Sanderson’s storytelling is both accessible and deeply satisfying, making it a great entry point for new fantasy readers.

    3. Limp-University8574 on

      The Sleeping Dragon, Book one of ‘The Guardians of the Flame’ by Joel Rosenburg.

    4. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      I enjoyed The Dragon Heart Legacy series by Nora Roberts. It’s a bit slow (if you want action packed this is not for you) but I loved the characters and the world.

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