September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for books both fictional and non fictional which gives a true picture of how an asexual’s life is. An in-depth book about what they go through and how their perspective about everything is. Thank you.

    by IcyAssociate1

    1 Comment

    1. RiskItForTheBriskit on

      Asexuality is a spectrum and you won’t find something that captures every single person’s overview. That being said…

      The manga “Is Love The Answer” sometimes called “There is no love in your world” is the best overall birds eye I’ve seen. It functions as edutainment and is popular in ACE subreddits.

      I personally related a lot to the comic “How to be Ace” which is the authors memoir on growing up. I’m also aromantic where I think she’s not, but we both have OCD and I felt like she portrayed both the asexuality and OCD well.

      “Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex” by Angela Chen is one I’ve heard good things about and haven’t read yet myself, if you’re looking for something entirely written.

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