September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After reading u/wilsebbis’s post revealing plagiarism in Mark Dawson’s work ([\_believe\_bestselling\_author\_mark\_dawson\_is\_a/]( ), my friend and I did a deep dive into his business practices and did not like what we found: [](

    A lot of get rich quick scheme stuff and locking people into his patreon.

    Most interestingly though, is that someone we’re fairly sure is actually Mark began rapidly commenting on the video with legal threats against u/wilsebbis and claims that ex-military authors are frequently churning out 20 novels a year by dictating them which excuses Dawson’s suspiciously fast book production.

    Very strange.

    by TookysMag

    1 Comment

    1. Navy Seals do have very prolific writing output, one even wrote me a long essay about how he has 300 confirmed kills and was going to wipe me off the face of the continent.

      But, more seriously, the evidence of plagiarism was quite damning. It’s not surprising if the author was into promoting other seedy practices, at that point. Even if the author plans on making legal threats, I doubt that they have a serious case.

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