July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My fiance is going to take me to my favourite used bookstore for my birthday and let me spend about $150 to stock up on books for this winter. We are expecting a baby girl in 3 weeks and I will be home alone while he is at work, and reading is my favourite way to pass the time. I am an unusually fast reader so I prefer books with a bit of girth to them, and I’m a picky reader. I’m really not into books that are written more modern with text messages or like a script. I like descriptive, captivating stories with proper grammar and eloquent speech. I promised I would look for some happy, feel good books, as I am usually drawn to dark, depressing stories and am unfortunately already on watch for postpartum depression. So I’m hoping for some lighthearted, feel good suggestions!

    by advanced_bumfuzzle

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