July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m 20 now and I still remember the exhilaration I felt when reading the first Skulduggery Pleasant book at 14. It was almost unlike anything I had read at the time, and while I was introduced to much darker materials not much later, the dread I felt from the series is still palpable. Some losses were irreparable, some betrayals unforgivable. A lot of the good guys had terrible pasts, and the moral grey areas really gave me a lot to think about. While Valkyrie could be insufferable at times (even for a teenager) I did sympathise with her halfway through the series. I haven’t read his latest three books yet but I can’t wait to dive into them.

    Also, the cover art for the first editions was really cool, so that helped a bit.

    by [deleted]

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