September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone. I am a new bloke to this community and new to reading as well. I myself a software engineer, who started reading books related to my domain and recently realized the value of the books and the immense amount of information and value that it holds which is very much harder to aggregate from the internet. The authors who write these books have their knowledge on different level and depth and usually many of them have very less presence on the internet.

    I also tried reading and exposed myself to many non fictional books as I also have interest in self improvement, spirituality and philosophy as well. For example books like atomic habits, meditiations by marcus aurelius, 12 rules for life, psycology of money, almanack of naval ravikant, zero to one, thinking fast and slow and few similar others are my first purchases.

    As much as I love to read it, I can’t able to make myself read it. I am in the buying spree of books and have almost bought around 15 books. I wanted to read it, but I can’t able to make time and make myself read it. I feel guilty for not reading and motivated to buy at the same time. If I get a short span of 15-30 minutes, I feel reluctant to read it as I won’t able to get enough time and experience anxiety. Instead I use that time for quick media consumption like youtube. I expect for a stretch of hours to make myself comfortable for reading without any upcoming commitments. But that’s hardly happening. So I end up reading only \~50pages in a month. I know the problem, but I cant able to address it with a solution.

    Sorry, if I am narrating something that’s not relevant to this community. I felt this is the only place that people can understand such things.

    If anyone had felt the same or had similar situations, can you share how did you overcome that?

    by Bala0406


    1. Yes it’s hard to read. But you can set small goals which will sum up to bigger targets.

      Like reading one page daily, at the end of year one book will be finished, which is better than anything. You can increase page number if you choose a good book which match your interest

    2. Read what you like, you will read faster if you enjoy what you’re reading. As for things you “should” read – that’s opinion, unless it’s something you need to get through for work.

      I know top executives in BIG companies who read YA. Young Adult fiction and they love it.

      Being in the tech industry I suggest you try Enders Game. It’s a great read, movie not so much.

    3. FaithlessnessBig5285 on

      This is definitely my situation as well. I must own about 50 books right now and can’t even start on them, as it’s much easier to zone out on youtube.

      Just set yourself a small goal perhaps. A few pages a day etc

    4. just_writing_things on

      > I feel guilty for not reading and motivated to buy at the same time.

      Purchase books that you’re *actually* interested in reading, not books that you’re trying to make yourself interested in reading.

    5. I’m with you. Often I find it hard to make any reading progress. In those times I adopt a “read 3 pages a day” policy. It’s not alot, but it adds up, and it’s more than reading nothing.

      Over time my desire to read more comes back. If it does not I still learn and finish the book, just at a slower pace.

      I would not stress about it.

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