July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking to get back into reading after taking a year or so off with RL kicking my butt. Hoping for some book recommendations that meet some of the below bullet points… I tried to keep them as general as possible.

    * Female protagonist (most important)
    * Fantasy or Science Fiction
    * Minimal romance (some is fine, no graphic sex or similar)
    * YA preferred or “easy” read adult fantasy novels
    * Series or standalone is fine
    * Some form/combination of magical awakening, undiscovered powers, mysterious circumstances, boarding/magic school, learning to control/tame powers, saving the day, etc.
    * Magic and dragons are both of interest
    * I prefer books that start in “our” world (not some completely fictional world) but this is very optional.

    by diffusedunstably

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