July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am currently reading “Babel” and “Yellowface”. My admiration for R.F. Kuang is really huge. Her studies and being bilingual definitely helped her write those books. She has to do reasearch and so on. A lot of work.

    On the other hand we have kpop stars and I also admire their talent ability to sing and dance but kpop stars have huge help from companies production. I know writers also receive help from publishers but it is not the same.

    Human brain, time period when we can maintain our attention is also not helping. I know some bookworm can read 600 pages during one day but I believe you know what I mean. Tik tok and ig can boost popularity of someone who is singer or dancer. They have millions followers while writers have 100k. Ms Hoover has 2m and this is phenomenon.

    Simetimes serie of books can make author more recognizable. Alnost everbody knows how look like J.K. Rowling or Stephen King. But very few people know other authors look like and sometimes ot is good thing because they can joy their privacy. But many novelists would like receive more recognition at least for their work. Do you think booktok or something else can be gamechanger here?

    by Ballerinajump


    1. Why is social media follows your metric for being an accomplished writer? KPop bands can sing and dance on social media. What do you want authors to do?

    2. RF Kuang is a student and an almost academic—I don’t think she actually desires KPop level fame in anyway. Most authors don’t desire full on fame like that. They want their work to be read and to be able to get book deals for other books, and to make money, but not to be like a KPop star…it’s a totally different industry.

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