September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know it’s better late than never, but I’m sort of new to this whole reading thing. I’m trying to find the ideal first book that will introduce me to reading. But here’s the thing: I want something simple to get started with because I’m a complete newbie.
    Any recommendations for a light-hearted novel that would grab my attention right away—perhaps a page-turner? Any genre will do; mysteries, adventures, romances—you name it. Please let me know your thoughts on the book and why you believe it makes a fantastic first read.
    I am eager to start this reading journey, and I appreciate your assistance in getting off to a great start!

    by BookishNomaad

    1 Comment

    1. TarikeNimeshab on

      If you like sci-fi, I suggest **Project Hail Mary** by Andy Weir. Usually sci-fi novels are full of dense, hard to understand science, real or imagined. But this one is really accessible and any time the author talks about a scientific concept he explains it very well. It’s also set in a near future, so you can actually connect to the characters. The book is basically a space adventure involving a friendly alien.

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