September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If Alexandre Dumas decides to make an ending like Homer’s odyssey. Ulysses, upon returning to Ithaca disguised as a beggar, murders his wife Penelope’s suitors and after the massacre, the couple reunites.

    After Edmond Dantes assumed the identity of The Count of Monte-Cristo to take revenge on those responsible for having spent 13 years in prison, he and Mercedes resume their romance and now return rich to Marseille.

    Instead of the message about remorse for taking revenge, the revenge was considered just like Ulysses’ and he got the girl back like Ulysses and lived happily with her.


    Would the book be as important if it had these changes?

    by calipso_odyssey

    1 Comment

    1. My favorite version of the story is the movie version where Mercedes only married Mondego because she and Ed slept together and she was pregnant, so she needed to get married fast when Ed was declared dead, but then she’s able to reveal this and the three of them make a happy family when it’s all over. So I think it would still be popular with a good ending, maybe even more popular!

      Though my second fave version is the musical, with several banger songs, so. Maybe the ending is irrelevant and it really is just a very satisfying revenge story.

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