July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was recently recommended a book and just started reading it. “Awake in Olaiya” (oh-lie-uh, I can honestly tell you… I was instantly hooked and lost sleep over this book. I guess you can say I was “Awake in Olaiya” :). I’m intrigued by the mystery in this dystopian world. The protagonist, Nat, finds herself in a community with lost memories and strange dreams. It’s a survival story filled with secrets and intrigue. If you’re into dystopian fiction, this might be worth a read.

    A couple takeaways.

    -Similar to hunger games, the giver, divergent, and many others, this is a clean dystopian book for Young Adult or New Adult.
    -Vivid and memorable characters bring the story to life.
    -Engaging journey of the main character with intriguing revelations.
    -Unique portrayal of a dystopian world with beauty and friendship amidst darkness.

    What books have you lost sleep over?

    What recommendations do you have for clean reads?

    #Dystopian #DystopianBooks #DystopianFiction #YABooks #FutureSociety #DystopianReads #SurvivalStory #DystopianAuthor #DystopianNovel #AlternateReality #DystopianArt #DystopianCommunity #DystopianGenre #cleanyabooks #cleannabooks

    by object52

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