September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So! I have just finished reading this book, and overall I do think it’s good (for the first quarter). Thought I would share the below because I have thoughts I needed to get out (I need to join a book club).

    BUT honestly super disappointed in the ending, blaming it on the devil and the weirdly paced Christianity themes that go HARD (sigh). And the hissing lady being Eve…some of it just made no sense. Why didn’t she make that known? How was she unable to convey that once to Christopher in all the interactions? It was a bit frustrating as I may have enjoyed it slightly more knowing there were elements where it was at least hinted at, but nope nothing nada! Zero hidden Easter eggs at this being the case. Which in turn made the twist not as twisty?

    I really really enjoyed all the build up as it had great tension. So that’s why it really bummed me out and annoyed me when it became a battle between good and evil in a religious sense. It kind of lost its momentum right at the finish line and became a bit blah. It was a slog to finish the last couple of chapters.

    This is just my two cents, would like to know others thoughts?

    Unlikely to give it a second read!

    [Link to a review that sums it up better than I have.](

    by Peppermintoccasion

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