July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I should start off this post acknowledging that it might be hard to find the type of book I’m looking for, so thank you very much in advance for anyone who might suggest something! I’m looking for a book that is horror that has some psychological horror, where the situation the main characters are in only gets more and more confusing and scary as people are split up, someone goes missing, or someone is acting differently than they normally do. The song has a lot of vibes that I really like, and a perspective that warps as the song goes on. That sounds really awesome in book form, but I don’t even know how to start looking for one like that. Additionally I really like kinds of horror that doesn’t rely on a scary ghoul but horror that is like an instinctual fear and a uneasy atmosphere. I am hard to scare, so when it comes to horror I either look for something that has a good plot even if I’m not particularly scared, or something that unnerves me/fills me with dread (preferably not just gross or evil people like in a lot of shock horror books)

    If you need any more info I’ll be reading the comments if anyone has questions. I know I can be a bit picky, so I really want to work around that. I’m fine with gore, and as far as I know I don’t have any triggers to warn y’all about. That being said, here are some things I am really not looking for:
    \-Please no weird descriptions of woman’s (or men’s) bodies like you’d find MenWritingWomen. It throws me off too much.
    \-Preferably no consistent Racism, Sexism, Homophobia and the like. Sometimes writers rely too heavily on that when it comes to horror and it’s just not what I’m really looking for.
    \-If the thing creating the horror situation is more than just some weird ghost or a haunting that would be incredible.

    Thank you very much again to anyone who has suggestions! I know this is a pretty particular type of book, so anything similar would be a great suggestion. Happy reading!

    by HiImBlink00

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