November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The commonly accepted definition is that PD stories have the characters react to the plot which happens around them and they have little agency while CD stories are the ones where the characters create the plot themselves and through their own machinations.

    I’d like to offer a new definition

    Plot driven stories are the ones where the author wants to tell a very exciting plot and has very flat cardboard characters who can be replaced with intelligent lamps and nothing will change. EG.Dan Brown.

    Character driven stories are the ones where the author is much more interested in exploring the traits of a particular character and the plot is a framing story to study their actions and emotions.
    EG. The Hours

    by Fun_Protection_6939


    1. I think of the books matching the definitions you propose as plot or character *focused* rather than driven, which has a specific meaning about what’s driving the story. Plenty of books are plot driven, but have great, memorable characters. Plenty of books are character driven, but also have great plots.

      The ones you describe have one or the other of those things and they focus only on that thing. That doesn’t always mean they are terrible books. They might achieve what they’re trying to achieve perfectly well. But they don’t have that combination that maybe elevates the books that do to another level.

    2. The way I’d sum it up, with plot driven you’ll know a fair amount about the characters but you’ll likely feel more invested in the story than the characters – you’re more likely to be turning the pages quickly.

      Character driven you’ll sometimes (particularly the first few books you read, before you’re used to it) find yourself wondering what exactly the plot is, and that’s not to say there won’t be a plot, but it’s more about where the character finds themselves, so the plot won’t be as compelling perhaps – you’ll be rooting a lot more for the character to discover things about themselves.

      And then there are lots of books that fully mix both.

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