While I completely, 100% prefer physical books (the smell, the feel, the aesthetic – oh yes!), I’ve begun transitioning from listening to podcasts before bed to listening to audiobooks before bed. To stay true to my love and preference for physical books, I try to pick audiobooks that fall into one of three categories:
\- **Popular or controversial books** that don’t fit my usual interests but I want to read to be a part of the conversation (ex: Spare by Prince Harry – it had mixed reviews so I wasn’t sure I wanted to purchase, but I ended up loving it!)
\- **Nonfiction books** that may soon be outdated (ex: true crime books that were written while unsolved like I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara)
\- **Classics** whose style of writing & dialect is hard to read on paper (ex: Tom Sawyer, A Tale of Two Cities, etc)
If anyone has come across any great audiobooks that fit these categories, please share!
by cheeseluv3r