September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I’ve always wanted to get into reading but have never really been able to get immersed into a book unfortunately, i was wondering if anyone could list a few books (non-fiction or fiction i don’t really mind) to get into the hobby. My reason for wanting to get into reading is really just because i’ve always liked broadening my vocabulary and i also think it would be a better pass time and a much more healthy hobby than just scrolling on tiktok and rotting my brain. I’m looking for something relatively easy to read, and i tend to enjoy dark themes, some of my favourites being drug addiction, serial killers, and general psychological horror. If anyone has any recommendations please list them below. Thank you.

    by Skrewz12


    1. dark room etiquette robin roe

      sixteen-year-old Sayers Wayte has everything—until he’s kidnapped by a man who tells him the privileged life he’s been living is based on a lie.

      Trapped in a windowless room, without knowing why he’s been taken or how long the man plans to keep him shut away, Sayers faces a terrifying new reality. To survive, he must forget the world he once knew, and play the part his abductor has created for him.

      do you remember? freida mcfadden

      tess Strebel can’t recognize her own face.

      She can’t recognize her home. Her bedroom is unfamiliar. And she can’t remember the handsome stranger lying next to her in bed. A stranger who claims he’s her husband.

      Tess reads a letter in her own handwriting, composed during a rare lucid day, explaining her life as it now exists: She was in a terrible car accident one year ago. Every morning, she wakes up unable to remember most of the last decade. Including her own wedding.

      Tess has no choice but to accept her new life and hope her memory will return. After all, why should she doubt the letter she wrote to herself? Or the kind man from the wedding photos on her dresser who seems to genuinely care about her well-being?

      And then Tess receives a text message on her phone. One that changes everything:

      “Don’t trust the man who calls himself your husband.”

    2. Ninja_Pollito on

      I would recommend A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick. It is a straightforward read language-wise, and not terribly long. Addiction, humor, and a wild story where at times you are wondering wtf is going on. A bit of a mind fuck, if you enjoy that sort of thing.

    3. TheGreatestSandwich on

      The Rook by Daniel O’Malley was pretty enjoyable and a quick read.

      >”The body you are wearing used to be mine.” So begins the letter Myfanwy Thomas is holding when she awakes in a London park surrounded by bodies all wearing latex gloves.

    4. ThrowRAhkfdbj on

      What are some of your favorite TV shows?

      I’ve found it’s really hard to just get into reading because it truly depends on the genre! I don’t want to suggest something and you think you hate reading when it’s really just the wrong book ◡̈

    5. Total_Age2312 on

      Tell me about your favourite movies or tv shows, I might be able to recommend something

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