September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Comfort books are extremely special, and as someone who has constant ups and downs in terms of mental health (currently in a down period aaaaaahhhh) I’ve got a fair few books that I pick up to read during these times. A book that’s become a recent ‘comfort read’ of mine is Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries. I loved the setting, the characters, the comedy, the writing. It was a perfect mix of everything I loved at just the right time and served as my only point of joy for a good week before I finished it. I recently bought the follow up novel and am saving it to read for when I feel I really need it 🥲. What books have comforted you when going through a difficult time? What books do you turn to for warmth and calm?

    (Gonna mention in case ppl ask, but my current mental health state is okayish, not nearly as bad as it’s been – a ‘semi’ shaky period I guess, but I’m in therapy and have been prescribed medication so I’ll be okay 🙂 Here’s to some stability in 2024 haha)

    by According_Bat_8150


    1. MagnusCthulhu on

      I’ve always found Thoreau’s Walden to be deeply comforting in times of stress.

    2. SimoneToastCrunch on

      I read Joan Didion’s *The Year of Magical Thinking* after my mom died. It helped me start to deal with my grief.

    3. Coolers-Husband on

      This might be weird but unironically “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell reminds me of simpler times in high school where everything around me was still bright and shiny

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