September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I started reading this book because it had a lot of good reviews, and I was also very interested in the theme of it. Someone on here said that the ending is one of the best they have ever read so I decided to give it a try. But that’s the thing, I will never be able to get to the end.
    I’m currently on page 144, out of 400. I’ve been trying to read it for a while now, on and off. It’s just taking me a long time. I kinda get the plot but the vocabulary is just too much for me. I just find myself getting bored and spacing out, having to read paragraphs over and over again. It’s also hard to get back into it when I take a reading break.
    Honestly, most of the character’s big words, metaphors, and daydreaming are just beating around the bush. Filling in the pages with random things to make a longer book. At least that’s what it sounds like. To me, it sounds a little unrealistic if the character is simply writing a letter and saying so many unnecessary things.
    Don’t get me wrong, there are parts of this book that are actually good. Parts that I can connect with, when the character gets to the actual point.
    I am Brazilian, my first language is Portuguese. It could be a language barrier thing. But I also don’t think my english is that bad since I’ve been living in the US for 9 years.

    I just want to know if I’m the only way that feels this way about We Need to Talk About Kevin.

    ps: If I read the word AWAP again, i will die. I get how it can be a topic but why bring it up so many times at random ass moments?

    by Suspicious-Ad-8546


    1. I absolve you from having to finish the book. You have struggled enough friend, it’s time to rest.

      Go read some Jeffery Archer, and feel better ❤️‍🩹

    2. MagnusCthulhu on

      You don’t get a prize if you finish and nobody cares if you quit. It couldn’t possibly matter less. You don’t need the approval of strangers to put a book down you don’t like.

    3. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      unrealism is in the eye of the beholder. that didn’t bother me much because in my mind the narrator is obviously using the “letter” format to process her own emotions and memories. it was part of the structure, for me.

      otoh, that explanation does not mean that you have to read it. if it was “sold” to you as a plot-driven story with a linear chain of events, I’m not surprised you’re struggling. it’s more of a character / psychological novel.

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