September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I keep reading about how good it is, how it’s Cormac Mcarthy’s magnum opus, etc. (full disclosure, this is my first experience with this author) but I don’t get it?

    I’ve gone through phases where I’ve read nothing but war genre books, westerns, and historic nonfiction. So it sn’t the violence or disturbing content that bugs me.

    I don’t think it’s the pace or lack of a definitive plot either, because *Heart of Darkness* is one of my favorite books and I can think of several other examples like that, of “slower” books that don’t bother me.

    I think it’s the dude’s writing style? It’s weird, right? Do other people like that? Reminds me of the time I took a look at the first few pages of *Ulysses* and noped out. Too random and disjointed.

    But also it doesn’t help that this story doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. The judge has potential to be interesting, I think.

    I’m halfway through the book and seriously thinking about putting it down because I’ve been stuck trying to force myself to read it for over a month now.

    Does it get…different? Or is this all there is to it? Why do people like it so much??

    by _Kit_Tyler_


    1. Do not put this one down. Just read it phrase by phrase. Don’t go back and try to make meaning. Just plow forward. Please? It’s so hauntingly good.

    2. The style is the meat of the experience of reading that book. You can pull out some themes and symbolism but the plot and characters will always remain a bit nebulous.

      I don’t think your opinion will change if you push your way through. The prose is unyielding and that’s kind of the whole point. But it’s not a book for everyone.

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