September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    “A bestselling author’s wife has been found dead in a gorgeous black evening gown, sitting at the end of an empty dinning table. Her most chilling feature—her face is frozen in a ghastly smile.
    At first it seems as though a deranged psychopath is reenacting the gruesome murders from the Witch Hunt trilogy, bestseller written by the victim’s husband. But investigator Jessica Niemi soon realizes she’s not looking for a single killer but rather for dozens of believers in a sinister form of witchcraft who know her every move and are always one step ahead.
    As the bodies start piling up, Jessica knows they won’t stop until they get what they want. And when her dark past comes to light, Jessica finds herself battling her own demons while desperately trying to catch a coven of killers before they claim their next victim.”

    I haven’t seen anything about this book on this subreddit so I thought I’d give it a mention. I just finished reading this book earlier today and I have some mixed feelings about it.

    (Below is just my opinion on it. Not really a spoiler but not really that important either)
    >!The beginning of the book was great. I couldn’t set the book down. It kept a nice pace for a little bit then the rest of the book seemed so slow before a rapid end on the last few chapters. It started to feel a little more like a chore. Overall I felt like it was a good story, but felt like it could’ve been executed better.!<

    For anyone else who has read this what was your thought of it?

    by MysteryFlamingo

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