October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Getting back into reading and trying to find my joy with it so that I read consistently. My goal is to read enough to become a better writer.

    I saw several r/books threads where the question was asked, “how long do you give a book before deciding not to finish it?” and most of the answers revolved around the lines of, “I give it 10% of the book,” or, “50 pages”.

    My question is, why should we spend 2-3 hours investing in just finding out if we like a book? I understand some books begin slowly, and some book series even have a whole first book that isn’t as good as the rest. Where I am stuck here is with the thought, “if there is, as they say, an unlimited quantity of good books to read in a lifetime, why not seek out only those that are a joy to read from start to finish?”

    For example, I just finished the sample of *The Blade Itself* by Joe Abercrombie. It’s just barely holding my attention. I’m persisting because everyone here says book 2 is amazing. I feel torn between pushing on, and just looking for a series that immediately grabs me by the balls, like how The Darth Bane trilogy did with my full immersion on page 1.

    I’m learning, to my sorrow, while searching for books to read that I seem to be quite picky, so it’s kind of tough for me to find books I like.

    Insight much appreciated. Thanks.

    by gamerdude69

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