September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Apparently the book has already been picked up to be a TV series by Reese Witherspoon, but honestly I don’t understand why?

    The book’s a fictional recount of a band, Daisy Jones and the Six, of their rise to fame and them subsequent break-up, heavily based off Fleetwood Mac. But I don’t know, I found the whole book kind of…meh. Maybe it’s because the author insisted on doing the entire thing in interview format, so we just get the band members and people associated with the band recounting stuff that happened and we never get to experience it firsthand and connect with what’s going on. If there had been small interviews heading every chapter, then a third-person account of what actually happened, it would have been a lot better.

    Also I really didn’t like Daisy. I think we’re supposed to see her as like a “strong female lead”, but she just comes off like a whiny, spoiled brat and I found myself siding with Billy a lot of the time – she did barge into his band and start changing a lot of things. She’s just so entitled and whines that it’s just men trying to control her whenever somebody denies her what she wants – like the scene where she throws a tantrum because Billy won’t let her drive her car because she’s been drinking wine all morning, or complains about men just being horny assholes when she insists on strutting around in a skimpy camisole with no bra. The other women were all a lot more interesting and sympathetic than she was, imo, especially Karen’s struggles with not wanting to conform to society’s expectations by marrying and having kids, or Simone’s attempts to make it as a singer got delegated to her being Daisy’s friend. They should have been given far bigger parts and the ending was just such an anticlimax. Idk, I don’t think this book is worthy of being a TV series but I guess it’ll be nice to actually hear what the songs sound like.

    Did anybody else read this book?

    by [deleted]

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