I have been trying to read catch-22. I made it to about midway through chapter 4 right now and I feel like dropping this book. I really liked the first chapter and thought I was in for a treat, but then every chapter after has left me feeling like I am just reading words but my brain won’t process them.
I know the book is supposed to be a bit difficult to read but I feel like by the time I reach the end of a paragraph my brain forgot where it started.
I was never a very big reader and I decided to try reading some books last month, I got through blood meridian, the invention of sound, and slaughterhouse five without any major problems comprehending what was going on.
I’m just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with a book. If so do you just keep rereading until you get what is happening or do you just drop the book?
by NewAcct4567