September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    TLDR: I just wonder how can one just ‘read’ non-fictions without studying them like textbooks.


    Outside of textbooks, I have rarely read non-fiction books,

    i.e. History, Biographies, Philosophy, Popular Science, Economics,etc

    Because if the book is not some fiction book with a story/plot but rather focus on informations,

    I tend to study them like textbooks. I need to underline them, write notes (whether in the books margin or separate notebook, and need time to analyze, sometimes memorize those informations.

    For example, for books about History, I usually try to write out the sequential events and memorize them in order.

    For Philosophy, I need time to question/scrutinize the propositions slowly.

    For Popular Science, Economics, Social Science etc => I need to search every detail that is not making sense to me. Underlining and note taking and searching.

    etc etc

    Currenty, I am trying to read ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’ and it is taking so long.

    by Mediocre_Committee47

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