July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know we all shouldn’t pick books by their covers, but sometimes you see a gorgeous cover that’s good enough to be hung up in a gallery and you just *have* to know. Sometimes you’ll be let down, sometimes you’ll be happily surprised. I think any Ava Reid novel suits this question for me. Idk who she’s got designing her American covers, but they are stunning. Thankfully, her novel ‘Juniper And Thorn’ lived up to the expectations granted by its beautiful cover lmao. I look forward to reading more of her books eventually. Another book which suits this description for me is ‘Hild’ by Nicola Griffin – got that book for Xmas and goddd the cover is so beautiful. What books did you pick based off of their covers alone? It’ll be nice to give these artists some attention.

    by According_Bat_8150

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