September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So a common criticism of The Dark Forest is the whole “girlfriend in his mind” thing. I personally didn’t mind this stuff at all, but I have seen multiple threads bringing it up as a huge weakness or problem with the book:

    Now I am reading Leviathan Wakes, and I am really enjoying it. I have a hundred pages left. But one thing that is bothering me, is it has the same exact “girlfriend in his mind” trope. But like, way worse. Where in The Dark Forest it was like, one chapter of the make believe girlfriend (who is then later manifested into a real character), in Leviathan Wakes is has been going on for pretty much the entire book and as far as I can tell , shows no signs of stopping..

    It’s just odd to me because I didn’t mind it at all when I read TDF, but then I read all the criticism of it in TDF, and now when reading LW I can’t stop thinking about it. Every time Miller talks to his imaginary girlfriend I just think… this is way worse then TDF.

    Anyone else read both of these series want to offer their thoughts? Any reason why TDF catches so much flak for this, but from what I have seen, LW gets a pass?

    by pooshlurk

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