September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently re-read IWWV in hopes of liking it the second time around, but I still didn’t. Despite the impressive world and character building, along with the beautiful writing and dialogue, I still struggle to connect with the book. It felt like the final season of tv shows where the characters randomly get away with murder, the mystery felt rushed and there wasn’t much build up to the killer reveal, since it focused more on the drama after the murder. I also think it relies a bit too much on the reader’s understanding of Shakespeare’s work that it isn’t friendly to those readers who aren’t the slighest familiar, like me. I even skipped the performance parts the second time around, since I thought they were mere filler and somewhat even boring.

    With all that said, should I still read The Secret History? I heard it has a similar plot, except it’s in the classical world and is 600 pages long.

    by Cravity_pancakes

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