July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Can’t say I’ve read a lot a lot, but I’ve tried many so called best books that seem to interest me, but nothing does it like Murakami. I’ve read almost everything of him and am currently re-reading Kafka on the shore. I know he’s a bit controversial but I just love reading him.

    I’ve been recommended 100 years of solitude a lot because of this and I read it but it mostly bored me, even though it was good and im happy i read it (it wasn’t an enjoyable read most of the time).

    I don’t mind being recommended new genres, maybe Murakami can give you some idea of what I like, I just want to find a new world of reading to delve into like i did his world, it’s the best feeling. Also loved the king killer Chronicles (so-far). Read some Dostojevskij and like it but it’s a little too serious for me I think heheh. Anyone else stuck in the Murakami world? Anyone found a way out? 😅

    by Sassiro

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