September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Not sure what it is but I’ve always been enticed by literary circles. It’s all probably a bit superficial and silly but I think it’s also common to romanticize a subculture you feel very distant from and I’m just embracing it! I’m primarily a musician and have always struggled with reading due to a learning disability so I tend to admire those who are academically inclined and find it fascinating and inspiring. Nonetheless I do love to read when I find the right book!

    What I’ve enjoyed that could broadly fall under this category:

    The Secret History

    The Girl Who Never Read Noam Chomsky

    Sally Rooney

    The Corrections

    GIRLS (HBO show lol)

    I REALLY wanted to enjoy The Starless Sea but it just didn’t click

    by Musicalgarden

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